VC LI Chart


Title Published Date File End Date
Seed Sample Details Format 2079-12-12 Closed !!!
Format for Seed Certification 2079-12-12 Closed !!!
Field Inspection related Form 2077-03-24 Continuous


Seed Act 2079
Seed Production Technical Testing Guide - 2075
Seed Entrepreneur Registration and Monitoring Guideline, 2073
Guidelines for Approval, Release and Registration of Seed , 2073
Seed Testing Quality Control and Certification Process
Varietal information of Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Mustard and Lentil
Paddy, Wheat and Maize Seed Production Technology 2078/79
Notified and denotified variety
Seed Quality Control and Seed Certification Process and Various crop Varieties Registered in nepal
Crops registered and listed till 2076.04.07


Technical Section

  • Registration and record keeping of the seeds acquired for testing
  • Data keeping of standing crops of seeds
  • Sample collection, storage and inspection of processing center for the purpose of seed certification

Financial Administration Section

  • To keep account of the appropriation revenue and deposit of the office.
  • To prepare monthly and yearly progress report.
  • To manage the daily administrative of the office staff.
  • To manage the goods of the office.